Elliott Wave Analysis of the Dow Jones Industrial Average by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com

Elliott Wave Analysis of the Dow Jones Industrial Average by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com. Click on the charts twice to enlarge.

Here are my main and alternate Elliott Wave counts progressing from quarterly to weekly to daily to intraday charts, the same way I present them in my “live” weekend counts webinars. Also shown is my new confidence rating system (on the intraday chart).

The live weekend webinars are generally about 3 hours long, and cover a number of world stock markets, commodities and currencies. All enrollees automatically receive access to a recording of the webinar afterwards, whether in attendence “live” or not. The recordings are available to all enrollees for two weeks. Enrolling is easy, and can be done after the fact as well. Here’s more info . .
