See How Elliott Waves Help You Avoid “Getting Married to the Trend”

See How Elliott Waves Help You Avoid “Getting Married to the Trend”
Most investors make the mistake of linearly extrapolating a financial trend into the future, especially at junctures when that trend is near a turn.
In everyday terms, it’s called “getting married to the trend.”
Here’s what Elliott Wave International President Robert Prechter said in his book, Prechter’s Perspective:
What’s Next for the US Dollar? (by Sid Norris of

The US Dollar has been quite weak since the beginning of last year. Will it continue to weaken? The monthly chart below shows my long-time main Elliott Wave count for the US Index, an unfinished ending contracting diagonal starting at the 1985 high. This wave count correctly expected the US Dollar to top near a .618 retacement of the downward wave from July 2001 through March 2008. That top came in early January 2017, and the Dollar has surprised many by moving strongly lower ever since. Hurst cycle analysis also correctly projected that top, and from a long-term perspective is quite bearish the Dollar moving forward, potentially all the way to the year 2027.
Quick Note from Sid: I’ve updated the content of my “Early Detection of Trend Changes Utilizing a Combination of Elliott Wave, MACD & Japanese Candlesticks” webinar class
Quick Note from Sid: I’ve updated the content of my “Early Detection of Trend Changes Utilizing a Combination of Elliott Wave, MACD & Japanese Candlesticks” webinar class. Hi everyone. I hope your trading week went well. I’ve just added some substantial additional content to my weekend webinar/class: “Early Detection of Trend Changes Utilizing a Combination […]