Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com
Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com. Click on the chart twice to enlarge. Many Elliotticians are counting the rise since March 2009 as a cycle-degree wave B now, and many are counting the internal wave structure of the cycle wave B as a double zigzag. The weekly chart above provides […]
Monthly Update on the Eleven-Quarter System by Sid (from ElliottWavePredictions.com and ElevenQuarterStocks.com)
Monthly Update on the Eleven-Quarter System by Sid (from ElliottWavePredictions.com and ElevenQuarterStocks.com) During the month of March 2014, I decided to track the effectiveness of the 11-Qtr-System moving forward using two different portfolios. One model portfolio will be named “The Non-Random Profits “Ideal System” Model Portfolio. This portfolio will theoretically buy $2000 worth of each […]
End-of-January Comparison of the S&P-500 vs. Our 11-Quarter-System Model Portfolio (from Sid @ ElliottWavePredictions.com & ElevenQuarterStocks.com)
Here is the end-of-January comparison of the major U.S stock market indices vs. our Eleven-Quarter-System Model Portfolio (from Sid @ ElliottWavePredictions.com & ElevenQuarterStocks.com). January is “in the books”, and the DJIA is down 5.27% YTD, the SPX is down 3.71%, the Nasdaq Composite is down 1.35%, and the Russell 2000 is down 2.53%. During the […]
Introducing a New Additional Website and Service Offering from Sid: ElevenQuarterStocks.com
Introducing a new additional website and service offering from Sid Norris of ElliottWavePredictions.com called ElevenQuarterStocks.com. Check out my new FREE 12-minute video explaining the concept behind the new service. ============================================================================= The following is reprinted from the “About” page on the new Eleven Quarter Stocks website: ============================================================================= “ElevenQuarterStocks.com is the work of Sid Norris (me), a long-time […]
Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) and the US Dollar Index ETF (UUP) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com
Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) and the US Dollar Index ETF (UUP) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com. Click on the charts twice to enlarge. The S&P-500 continues to stretch upward, and corrections are becoming more shallow and brief. It appears that the SPX is seeking the 1891.35 level, where cycle (teal) wave B will […]
The weekly RSI, the daily MACD, and 240-minute divergence are all shouting “A MAJOR TOP IS IN”. Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com
Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com Click on the charts twice to enlarge. While I’m leaving open an alternate possibility of one last slight new high in my alternate Elliott Wave count, if all I could look at was the weekly RSI, and the MACD on daily and 240-minute SPX […]
Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com
Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com. Click on the charts twice to enlarge. Here is a complete update of my wave counts for the S&P-500 (SPX) at every degree of trend. As you can see, RSI or MACD divergences are forming in every timeframe. Still, on the 60 minute chart, wave 3 pink does […]
Question: From an Elliott Wave Perspective, What do Gold and Silver have in Common Right Now?
Question: From an Elliott Wave perspective, what do Gold and Silver have in common right now? Answer: They have simultaneously arrived at the extreme of wave 2 within their preceding extended 5th waves. Quote from Frost & Prechter, Elliott Wave Principle, 1978-2006, 10th Ed. p 68: (under the heading: Behavior Following Fifth Wave Extensions) “The […]
Three Charts Suggesting a Top in US Equities and in Junk Bonds, and the Resumption of a Huge Move Up in the US Dollar (by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com)
Three Charts Suggesting a Top in US Equities and in Junk Bonds, and the Resumption of a Huge Move Up in the US Dollar (by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com). Click on the charts twice to enlarge. The attached charts show that US equities and Junk bonds are both at trendline resistance after possibly complete terminal patterns, […]
Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com
Elliott Wave Analysis of the S&P-500 (SPX) by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com. Click on the charts twice to enlarge. Many, including myself, have been counting 5 waves up from the November 16 low, and have been expecting that that would be followed by downward movement. Then yesterday, a very slight new high appears to give the […]