Trading the DOW with Precision Timing!

In late May, Sid projected a road map for the DOW, calling for an early June bottom and a late July top. Check out this video including excerpts from Sid’s June 2 and June 9, 2019 webinars, which included amazingly accurate calls for the recent multi-week swing low and swing high in the DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average):

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is Up Over 1000 Points Since Monday. Did Anyone Predict This Ahead of Time?

As far as I can tell, there were precious few market prognosticators calling for an imminent rally in the stock market just prior to this week’s surge. On the contrary, virtually all article writers and market technicians were projecting the market to move lower. As it turned out, the DJIA was up over 500 points on Tuesday, and is currently up over 1000 points for the week, and it’s only Thursday (June 6). Here’s highlights of my coverage of the DJIA and the VIX from my Sunday, June 2 Weekly “Counts” Webinar:

Replay of the November 30 Hurst Cycles Webinar – Sid Norris, guest presenter

I had the distinct pleasure of appearing as the guest presenter in yesterday’s weekly Hurst cycles webinar.  David Hickson, the creator of Sentient Trader software typically holds these free webinars every Monday and was kind enough to invite me to participate as guest presenter.  During the webinar, I discuss why I consider October 2011 to […]

Highlights from Sid’s Weekly “Counts” Webinar (August 9, 2015)

The video clip below contains highlights from my Weekly “Counts” webinar from three days ago (August 9, 2015).  Included are portions of my analysis of the Dow Jones Industrial average, GDX, and the US Dollar Index.  ALL of the calls in this video were contrarian against the so-called “consensus trades”, like long dollar, and short […]