Updated Elliott Wave Analysis of ASA by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com

Updated Elliott Wave Analysis of ASA by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com.  Click on the charts to enlarge. Back on July 2nd, I posted a workup on ASA Gold and Precious Metals Limited.  Since then, ASA has continued lower, and yesterday reached a significant Fibonacci target of $8.94, where wave 5 blue equaled the net traveled by […]

Elliott Wave Analysis of Gold and Silver by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com

Elliott Wave Analysis of Gold and Silver, and an update on the British Pound by Sid from ElliottWavePredictions.com. Click on the charts twice to enlarge. Both Gold and Silver appear to be sporting triangles in the middle of the recent downward movement starting February 28/29. Since triangles cannot appear alone in a wave 2 position, […]